This time I'd like to share two books about basic knitting. In these books you can learn about knitting techniques from the very basic for beginners, complete with pictures and patterns so you can follow with ease.
By the way, for the first time I thought that crochet and knitting were the same, but actually they are a little bit different. For crocheting you'll use one pen with hook at the tip but for knitting you need two pen without hook at the tip, well ..... I think you know what I mean... And knitting techniques usually used for thicker yarn, but generally the principle is similar.
Kali ini saya ingin membagi dua buku tentang dasar-dasar knitting (merajut). Dalam buku-buku berikut Anda dapat mempelajari teknik-teknik dasar merajut untuk pemula, lengkap dengan gambar dan pola sehingga mudah untuk diikuti.
Dulu saya kira teknik merajut crochet dengan knitting itu sama, tapi ternyata sedikit berbeda. Untuk crochet menggunakan satu jarum, biasa kita sebut "hakken", sedangkan untuk knitting memakai dua batang kayu/stik. Biasanya teknik knitting dipakai pada benang yang lebih tebal, namun prinsip pembuatannya hampir sama.
Download from mediafire :
How to Knit For Beginners
31 pages
2.18 MB
Click 'SKIP AD' to proceed download
I Want to Learn Knit 2010
108 pages
19.11 MB
Click 'SKIP AD' to proceed download
I hope those book will be useful.
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Thanks for great links.Do you know where I can buy original print of book I want to learn knit 2010.
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome, hope the book useful for you. Well, about the original print of that book, I'm afraid I can't give you the answer. I got those books already in soft copy then re-uploaded them. Maybe you can find the book from Amazon or Etsy (^_^)q